The Color Red: When | Why To Use It

What is the Color Red?


At 63 Bravo, we can advise you with a color pallet that helps convey the meaning of a website. There may be times where ironic works for a website but in most situations the website content should match the colors used. We strive to understand the purpose and meaning of your website before we even start talking about color. Maybe the color red will work for your website, maybe it won’t… Let’s see

Red rose flowers

The color red is a primary color that can’t be made by mixing other colors. Red is a bold color that evokes emotion in many of us. It has been affiliated with such terms as strength, passion, courage, anger, determination, energy, romance… It also means and symbolizes different things in different cultures. So, understanding what your website is about and who you are trying to reach before picking colors is important.




Why and when to use the color red


It most situations, red should be used as an accent color to draw someone’s attention to something important or to set an agenda. Think about financials, when you see a bunch ofA red heart for Valentin's day red on the indexes you automatically think something bad. But on Valentine’s day you think of love and passion. And when you see an emoji with a red face you think about anger. You get the point, just seeing the color red can set the mood. Using a big splash of red to write content about puppies playing may not be the best choice. But in Singapore, red can symbolize joy.


Some examples of when to use red on your website. A heading or a banner of an article that is about something dangerous like a fire warning or a bad person in the neighborhood. An image of a heart or some highlighted words (used sparingly) in a story about love. To grab attention to the dangers of stress or rage. Red could even be used in an online class about leadership.

Red color danger sign

I will be posting about other colors as time goes on. You can checkout my first post about color

 that sets up this upcoming series.  

Also,  checkout The Color Blue

Also,  checkout The Color Yellow


Color red splash