Using Color in Web Design

We understand why using color in web design is important.


 What you are trying to convey to the customer with color can help the customer feel a particular way. Whether it be at first glance of the web site or  while they are reading the content, color in web design is important. We can help you with a color palette that fits your business.

As a Web Designer, the use of color in a website is a critical part of the web site design . Color evokes emoting, feeling and a bond with a particular entity. Many companies develop their color palette as part of the branding process because of emotion. So, picking colors for a website is part of the pre-development stage of your site. Understanding the content of your site is a key to understanding what colors to use.


There are some basic guidelines to picking colors for a website


Contrast ColorsWhy color in web design needs good  contrast

The most basic when dealing with text is, avoid eye strain for the reader. There needs good contrast from the background to the text. Black and white has the best contrast but most bold color will have good contrast against white. A yellow background with white text will not be a good choice. Pastels might not be the best choice either. Accent colors are plentiful for design elements but not for reading, so pick contrasting colors for text.





Select compliment colors on a wheel to find your Color in Web Design

Compliment Colors

Using a color wheel is a great way to find complimentary colors, but be cautious, they may not have good contrast. As design elements for the scheme, using complimenting colors will help the overall look. There are many ways to use the color wheel to find colors that match. Typically using a straight line, triangle, square or a rectangle on the wheel provides good results. They are opposite colors on the wheel and are complimentary.  







Vibrant ColorsVibrant Color in Web Design bold and rich

These colors are bold and rich. They can guide the user’s emotion and attention and energize them without even reading anything. Best to be use in small amounts as highlights. Vibrant colors can play a key roll on a website if the content matches the feeling. Having a rich red surrounding content talking about kitties playing would not be a good use of a vibrant color. Use them sparingly and where appropriate.





Here is a colorful website I did in school. I mention in the blog why I used such bold colors. 

what is the color red? check out this post about the color red.