Mastiff Web-Site: Design Features

Portfolio School Project: Josie, Design Features

This was a great website to build for a school project to show design features. It is not a big website but it has a lot of design features and styling. Most of the websites that I worked on in the past were more colorful with a white background. I thought in memory of dog Josie I would build the site with her colors in mind. More black with shades of brown and even adding the reddish-orange from her collar and white from her slight graying.


The Bull-mastiff is the best animal to have as a family member!

Taking liberties with color contrast for artistic reasons do poss a risk. While this site doesn’t really push the contrast bounds, using somewhat dark font color on a black background as design features is not advised. For readability, you should have good color contrast, but there is always exceptions. It adds an artistic value, you are trying to convey meaning or emotion or it just makes sense. It this case it was important take my color cues from the image of Josie as design features.

What design features you choose is as important as what content is used. Not for SEO but for the User Experience. You need to ask yourself: How do I want the user to feel when they look at your website? Now not all pages or websites need to have a features that evoke feeling, sometimes the content speaks for itself. It the case of Josie’s website, the content was factual not emotional so I used design features to tie her into the website.

School Project: Mastiffs

Showing design features in Josie's website

This was a fun, therapeutic and sad project. I had just lost my dog to cancer so she was on my mind. All my projects up until this point where light in color so I wanted to change it up.

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