Two Backgrounds Web-Site: Responsive Grids

Portfolio School Project: Two Backgrounds | Responsive Grids

The website uses responsive grids and two backgrounds with lots of color. It was just a concept I thought about when I was a contractor to help people with house projects. It is a one page website but does has a menu for additional pages. This was a great project to play with using color, images and responsive grids. It was important to inspire the viewer so the page uses color, design and imagery. 

Why is it important to inspire the viewer?

It depends on the website you want to have. Not all websites need to inspire but they do need a reason to get the attention of the user. A great websites will have something or a combination of things to get the users attention. It might be visual, a good story, relevant information, design, responsive grids, color… Part of my pre-planning of a website is knowing what elements I want to use capture the user.

Building a photography website for example, I would want to use the best images that highlights the photographers strength. There would be few words because the images should tell the story. That’s where alt text is very important (remember, you always need to use alt text with images). The use of responsive grids would help how the images where displayed and how they would break down to mobile view. Spacing and a subdued background would also help the design to breath. So how am I trying to capture the users attention? Visually to invoke emotion.



Just For Fun: Responsive Grids

Responsive Grids Website with two Backgrounds

Wanting to challenge myself I thought about doing a double background. This was challenging but once conquered, I really liked the logo over a gradient. Another challenge was working with a gradient and still having the right text color for readability.

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