Restaurant Web-Site: Bold Colors

Portfolio School Project: Burrito Masala Restaurant 

This school project was about a restaurant food carts in Portland. Since it was going to be about food I knew color had to be the main theme. I wanted fresh, robust, bold colors throughout to draw the customer in. I also took a cue from the pictures for the font colors and the background had to be white so the colors would pop.


…Restaurant Website is all About the Color!


Unlike most fast food restaurants, many food-carts and traditional dine-in restaurants use fresh foods. This gives Wed Designers a lot to work with in regards to color and images | both are very important to website design. Adding colorful images to break-up text can help the reader get through a long article or keep them on your website longer. Always check user rights and get permission if you find a perfect image online. Also give credit to the author.


“I like to use color for emotion in factual content that doesn’t have emotion”


There are not a lot of businesses that gives a Web Designer a large color palette and textures to work with like restaurants do. It is good to tie the colors from your images to the rest of the website. Just be sure there is good contrast between your background and your text. There are many websites online that can help you find the right colors. Be-sure not to over do it thou. Try to be consistent with your headings and paragraphs and keep it to three or four colors. I know it is fun to go wild with color but restrain yourself. sometimes little is more.


School Project: Masala, Restaurant


Restaurant website with bold colors

Color, color, color! Bright vibrant colors were on my mind when I started thinking about building a website about a food cart. I wanted the images to tell the story. This helps the user get excited and maybe hungry.

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Here is a blog post you might like about color and why it is important.