GREAT WebSite: Clean and Professional

Organization and Structure For A Great Website is Important! 

A great website offers organization and structure. They are clutter-free, clean and professional. A website should work quickly and efficiently. All spectrum’s should work as expected including the hyperlinks, contact forms, site search, registrations, payment page and so on. Since the website will get a lot of exposure, make it as error free as possible. Check forBeing Organized will help with building a Great website typos, misspellings, punctuation, or incorrect grammar. Double check any facts and figures, since visitors are looking to websites for accurate information. If the website components do not work correctly, the visitors will be frustrated, and their perception of your business is viewed negatively. After all, if a website isn’t professional and is challenging to navigate a visitor’s perception can be that the business must be ran the same way.

Visitors should be able to quickly determine what the website is about and the purpose of it and be able to navigate it with ease. Websites should appeal to both visitors and search engines, there should be a logical relationship between web pages and search engines.

Good website structure is helpful with monitoring online visits and acquiring user data for help with marketing.

A website can be considered having levels with the home page being the first level, and other pages responding from there. With the home page having generalized information, the links from there would contain more in depth or detailed pages. Some complex websites can have many levels whereas a basic website can have as little one level. As long as the content flows and the pages are easily navigated, the website is structured and organized. It’s always a good idea to give visitors an easy way back to the home page such as a button, link or menu item.


Every component of the site should work at a reasonable speed and correctly. CMS and Static site do move at different speeds.



  • Left-side menu -lists the various sections or subsections of the site
  • Tabs- near the top of a webpage help the visitor quickly see the important sections of the site
  • Search- the site or database, helps the visitor find what they are looking for quicker
  • Site map- shows the structure and links to all the pages
  • Bottom links- provides hypertext links to all the sectional pages


Great Web design without functionality is like a sports car with no engine”

A Great Website is like a Great Car, Fast