The Color Yellow: When | Why To Use It

What is the Color Yellow?

Color Yellow! As we continue the primary color series with the color yellow, we want to reaffirm the importance of choosing the right color for your content. So please check out our other post about the other two primary colors, red and blue. 63 Bravo can review the colors that you have already picked, or we can help you pick the right colors.



Yellow is the third primary color next to red and blue. These colors can not be produced by mixing any other colors. They are the colors that produce all other colors. Unlike red and blue, yellow is not as bold and it can have more challenges with visibility. It should not be over used, and yellow does have some conflicting meanings in the USA as well as other countries. So, use sparingly, understand your audience and understand your content.  






Know the meaning

While Yellow can be associated with energy, fun, happiness and positivity, it can also represent caution, betrayal, and cowardice. We have heard the term “the dog is yellow” and on a signal light yellow means caution. In some cultures, yellow can stand for a store owner but in other it can be for the dead.



Where to use The Color Yellow


My color philosophy in Web Design is, does the color match the content meaning. If it doesn’t then you run the risking of confusing the user. Think about using the color orange while talking about lemons or bananas? It doesn’t make sense.The color yellow caution tape

Considering that Yellow is mostly seen as a cheerful color and an attention grabber, using it talk about happiness or a way to say “look here” would be appropriate.  But it can also be used for a cautionary tale, the sun or any food item that is yellow. Just don’t over use it and you will be fine.






I will be posting about other colors as time goes on. You can checkout my first post about color

 that sets up this upcoming series.  

Also,  checkout The Color Blue

Also,  checkout The Color Red


The color Yellow splash of paint