Snow Drift Cabin Web-Site: Rental Property

Portfolio Customer: Snow Drift Cabin

Rental Property Website

This was my first project for a customer while in school. I wanted to understand what he needed the website to do since he had very little content. He wanted the customer to know about the rental property but he also wanted to highlight Mt Hood and the surrounding areas. Because he did not have much content I researched the area and developed the content. I also sourced images and wrote the copy.

When I got the call to build this rental property website I was a little nervous to find out the customer had very little content. My focus at the time was on web design not research and copy production. Once I thought about it and started planning, I realized what an opportunity this was going to be. The rental property itself was basic, the real fun was Mt Hood and the area around it. I did a lot of hiking in and around the Mt Hood, even climbing it several times but I didn’t really know what it offered. So while building the website was fun, I really enjoyed the research and writing about it. Mt Hood is an amazing place with many attractions so it is hard to get bored. 


The website uses many Responsive Grids and incorporates a calendar.


“I was blown away by the quality work of the website…”


Customer Website: Snow Drift Cabin test

Rental property of Snow Drift Cabin on My Hood

This was my favorite project. The owner of Snowdrift Cabin gave me free rein to revamp an existing website. There was very little content, and what he did have needed to be reworked. I had to Photoshop existing photos, find new photos, rewrite the copy and create a new design. This was the first time I incorporated a calendar into a website.

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